Basically, Tao studies is the management of time and space. The International Institute of Tao Studies Malaysia is an international organisation advocating, promoting and pursuing the study of Tao-Laotze and Chuangtze and the six skills of:
San - Tao skill which helps man be closer to nature e.g.. exercise, diet, fasting, dancing and meditation.
Yi - Traditional alternative and natural medicine e.g.. Chinese herbal medicine, acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, etc.
Min - Fate theories like Zi Wei Numerology, Four Cylinders (Eight Characters) etc.
Pu - Using I-Ching (Book Of Change) to gather unknown information
Siang - Building Appearance is divided into Appearance for the living (Feng Shui for the living human) and Appearance for the Dead (Feng Shui for the Dead). Human Appearance has active and passive analysis.
Shien - The magical and mystical part of the Tao studies : Calligraphy, totem and the use of invisible chi, etc.
Tao scholars believe that human beings should live in accordance to nature in order to survive, develop and flourish. The above Tao philosophy and skills are to guide human beings to solve problems and to be able to cope with changes of nature.