Care must also be exercised when coming across sharp objects as the Dragon is prone to being hurt due to the Jian Feng star. With the Fu Shi star, refrain from visiting yin places like hospitals, funerals or go to places where there is blood, such as in wet markets.
Enhancers / Remedies
Carry a Tai Sui Card to ensure the smooth-sailing pathway in the coming year
Display the 60 Jia Zi Tai Sui Picture to reduce the burden of sitting on Tai Sui
Display a Tai Sui Aroma Calendar as an offering to Tai Sui for peace
Display the Guiding Angel Picture and carry the Guiding Angel + Dragon and Tiger Cards to upgrade Guiding Angel Qi for betterment
Wear a Jade Rooster to promote Metal cultivation
Wear a Jade Pig to attract prosperity and red bird